
A History of Sex Part One: Masturbation

I am not dissatisfied with my sex life. Many people find this incredibly hard to believe as VSF is far away (though finally back in the same country) and I am not currently sleeping with anyone else. My sex life, as we define "sex life" is pretty empty you may say. The thing is, it's not. Not at all. I have a confession to make, you see, I am a Champion Masturbator. That's not to say that I've won any awards, but rather that I am really good at masturbation. I know my body. I know what feels good and what doesn't, but I'm also totally willing (and excited) to try new things. All of the things that make me a good lover, make me a good masturbator. I am GGG with myself. A funny story relating to this which my friend told me that I absolutely have to include in this entry is that one day I was really down, anxious, and generally not feeling great. I couldn't figure out what was wrong. I had slept well, eaten well, exercised, etc. Then I realized that I hadn't masturbated the night before. It's like an apple-a-day people. It'll change your lives.

Anyway, back to the story, I have enjoyed masturbation for a really long time. I think I might have started earlier than most. I remember the occasion. I was 11 or 12 and my mom had gotten me one of those "Your Body, Yourself" books. In it they do a brief discussion of female anatomy including that of the vulva. Of course they point out the clitoris with the explanation that sometimes when women are touched there, they can experience really pleasurable feelings. Well, I like really pleasurable feelings. So I sidled myself right up to a mirror, figured out where that little thing was, and touched it. I will state for the record that that first time was not really earth shattering or even minor-earthquake-that-being-a-native-of-California-I-generally-sleep-through worthy, but it was formative. I had learned how to do something that could give me a lot of pleasure. Not to get all cheesy, but the ability to masturbate and do it effectively I think has given me a lot of freedom in my choice of partners. That is, I can love sex and want sex and be obsessed with sex, but not need another person to explore it. That said, having another person there does change things, but I don't think it makes it better or worse, just different.

So, thanks Mom for getting me that book, and thanks curious brain for not letting me just read about the clitoris and not exploring it.

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